Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rooms for Little People: Part II

Grahm Robert's room used to be the office.
This was in the newlywed phase and pre-children.
Then it was the "master suite".
This poor boy slept in our bedroom in a bassinet, then shared a room with his big sis until he was two-ish.

When the Mr. and I moved upstairs, the children got their own bedrooms, and alas...Grahm had his own space.  I'm still in search of a few things for this boy's room.  1.  a vintage head/foot board  2.  a "set" of lockers.  3.  a map to hang on the wall.  The "theme" in his room is transportation.  Things that move.  My grandpa (who was born in this house) used to fly airplanes and there is theeee neatest picture of him next to his airplane, that my mother will not give up to me.  I reallllly want to have to hang in Grahm's room!

On another note.  Two city-wide garage sales this weekend to hit up!  Is it terrible and am I a horrible mother because I've been excited all week for this weekend and am hoping it rains so Grahm's soccer game gets cancelled???


1 comment:

  1. Hi Megs! Guess what! I finally added your blog to my favorites bar, so I will not lose it again! Your site makes me feel all warm and happy. And wistful for such a creative gene. I'd also like to look cool in funky glasses.
