Friday, December 30, 2011

Today I Was a DIYer!

I spent the better part of today parked in the chair...catching up on Y&R...and then a little Price Is Right.  But, by noon when my daughter was claiming she was starrrrrrving (and then ate a measly one piece of french toast, mind you it was a little on the burnt side today) I kicked it into project high gear.

I am on a mission to have the coolest classroom after the New Year.  My bff's are leaving me for a year...  Sniffle, sniffle.  So I'm all alone...but I get my own classroom for the very first time in my life.  So, I have been going to town with organizing my room so it is suuuuuuper cool.  Since I pretty much spend the majority of my time there, I think it totally needs to feel like home.  I am a spray painting, duck taping, mod podging maniac these days.  FYI.  I have never experienced mod podge before tonight.  And, well.  I.  Am.  In.  Love.  I could mod podge everything.  Sooo cool.

Today I spray painted a wicker chair (purple) and painted a "vintage" brown leather backed chair turquoise.  Totally transformed that chair if I don't say so myself.  I am going to attempt to recover it...or at least the seat portion.  We'll see.  In between here, I managed to snip the sleeves off my very ugly Christmas Eve sweater.  (Sorry Grandma Mary...I know you had your eye on that one.)  It could be a very ugly Christmas vest now.  Then proceeded to attempt to make leg warmers out of the sleeves.  Not quite finished with that yet.  But it warms my heart to hear Addie ask me if I'll make her some sweater leg warmers.  Not to wear to school of course, but for at home!

Let see, what else.  Ahhh yes.  I spray painted a couple more letters to add to my ABC collection.  An S and M to hang over our bed.  And then tonight the kids and I made designer clipboards out of scrapbook paper and mod podge.  Well...they made designer pizza cardboard scraps.  They had fun though and may love that sticky stuff as much as me.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Been So Long

I'm going to give this another whirl.  Since I am now completely obsessed with Pinterest...and DIY projects, and I got a new MacBook for Christmas (that I don't completely know how to operate), I thought, why not!?!?  Let's give this another shot.  However, it's been aprox a year since I last posted on my blog last, so I've forgotten virtually everything I need to know about it.  Yikes.

This blog is going to be about me.  Fashion, DIY projects, and my vintage finds.  AKA, the junk I find at the junk stores I love!  My house is jam packed with junk.  I mean, vintage treasures.  I love it.  My latest find is a really great red rocking chair my sis got for me for Christmas.  Technically it isn't junk, because it was actually restored by a real life furniture restoration guy, but hey.  It's sooooo cute.  Love it.

I'm currently collecting old drawers (yes, you read that right).  As well as the letters in the alphabet.  My favorite is the F...found it in Story City, Iowa (probably the coolest junk store ever).  I'll take a pic soon and post it.  Also, got theeee neatest yellow metal crate from there.  I'd like one or two more of those babies and I've got my eye on a "vintage" set of lockers.  Thought they'd be cool in our dining room for the kids to store their coats, backpacks, and shoes.

I'll try and keep you posted.

Bye for now.