Sunday, February 3, 2013


I am a pretty impulsive shopper.  When I find something I like, I want it right this second.  No matter what.  These are a few of the things I'm lusting after.

1.  Madewell Tote…OR…this pretty pink cross body

via Madewell

I don't know if it's Valentine's Day, or the anticipation of Spring…but this time of the year I always have a hankering for anything pink.  Isn't this pretttttty?

2.  Sweedish Hasbeens
via Swedish Hasbeens

3.  Lookmatic specs
via Lookmatic

4.  What Katie Ate cookbook (broke down and bought this via Amazon already)

5.  UO rug (this one's in the mail…)

via Urban Outfitters

6.  Ikea kitchenette

via IKEA

Plus about 25 other items from IKEA.  Word on the street is there is on opening up in K.C.  In 2014!!!  There is no way on God's green Earth I can wait that long.  The husband and I are contemplating a trip to the nearest IKEA during my spring break.  Actually, he doesn't know that's my intention of the little road trip.  I'll spring it on him last minute and play completely dumb that we stumbled on to the place!

Happy February

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

My best friend moved back from Minneapolis!!!  I love it.  And her.  SO much.  Here are a few pics from our NYE night out with friends.  Hope you had a great night celebrating.  We started 2013 off in an extremely lazy way.  Laying around, eating, and watching football.

 Sean "made" us slushy daiquiris before we went out.  From a pouch.  

 Red lips for a night out!

 Blue Sushi with friends.  Sushi fail for Sean.  We had to order pizza for him afterwards.

 My old college roomie, Corissa.  I haven't seen her in FIVE years.  She lives and works in Brazil!

 Kim.  Done-zo at 10:30.  She may have been roofied.  Not really…she's just a light weight now days.  

 Tony…partying hard in his very expensive NYE hat.

 I do believe our conversation had merged to discussing why WWF is now called WWE.

 Today it is Twenty Thirteen.  I listened to this this afternoon while making snacks for football watching/napping.  Kim suggested it…  (Specifically this song, because it says "I'll be your Grahm")

Yet another food fail in my attempt to make my husband step out of his 'Merica male eating habits box and be more "worldy".  He ran, gagging from the kitchen, outside to wretch the brie up.  He claims it tastes like baby poop.  I'm trying to acquire a taste for it.  I say it tastes the way an old, ancient suitcase smells.  
I'm still eating it though.  

Happy 2013!