Sunday, February 26, 2012

two pretty birds

Since I turned...  Ugh.  The dreaded THIRTY.  (I literally had a panic attack the day before my birthday.  So weird, because I still act like I'm 17; and I really do feel like it's just a number, but...)  I decided I wanted to get a new tattoo.  Like.  A big one.  I have three already.  But they are teeeeeeeeny tinnnnnnny.

I got my first tat when it was a big to do in high school.  SIXTEEN YEARS OLD.  That one was a moon and a star on my back.  Then, the next one came one summer when I was in college.  I went with my friends, Kim and Linds, and we all got inked in the Old Market.  I got a darling little pink daisy on my ankle.  Kim hates her tat and currently wants it removed.  Lindsey has soooo many I can't recall which one she got that night!  (Lovvvvvve her, and all her tattoooooos.)  I remember the sirens  going off that night and we tried to take shelter in a restaurant down town, but no one would let us in.  We survived.  Then, around my 29th b-day, I headed to some guys basement and got "Believe" tattooed on my wrist.  Survived that too.

So now....the big one.  For Valentine's Day my husband "gave" me a tattoo and I got the two sweetest little sparrows tattooed on my chest/shoulder area.  I LOVE IT.  It's about five times the size of all three of my other tattoos put together, but I think it is beautiful.  There are two little lovebirds to represent my two children.  (And SEAN asked the tattooist if he could squeeze another little sparrow in IF we were to ever, BY SOME SMALLLLLL CHANCE, have another baby.  There's hope.  Right?)

It's still healing and I go back this week to get the flowers and some shading done.  So, I promise I will post finished results soon.


Oh...and Lindsey and I are already planning our next trip to the tattoo parlor.  Another wrist tattoo for me.

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